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Vidyan translates technologies that produce vegan and organic protein supplements from plant sources using innovative processes that are sustainable and environment friendly.


are products intended for ingestion which contain a "dietary ingredient" that adds to the nutritional value of the diet. Thus, dietary supplements are often, a combination of substances such as amino acids, vitamins, minerals and other botanicals, that are used to increase the total dietary intake.

Demand for Protein Supplements...

stems from an increasingly proactive lifestyle, improved incomes and rising awareness of protein benefits. This has led to an increase in protein intake for sustaining optimum nutritional levels and plays a crucial role in promoting the demand for protein supplements.

Our Solutions

Vidyan translates technologies that produce vegan and organic protein supplements. One of these technologies produces a completely soluble form of digestible protein from soy, which is currently being commercialized. Other supplements include oligosaccharide for gut flora, xylitol as sugar alternative and maltol as food additive, all sourced from crop residue.